
Found out our shared mailbox goes to upper management. Is this a red flag?

Don't know how I feel right now. Just found out, the e-mail distribution that I utilize to speak with my peers / equals also goes to my manager and their managers and the senior manager II as well. We are all salaried leadership in the company albeit on different levels, now I feel like I'm not trusted. But I guess, If I have nothing to fear, I have nothing to hide right? Is this a red flag?

Don't know how I feel right now. Just found out, the e-mail distribution that I utilize to speak with my peers / equals also goes to my manager and their managers and the senior manager II as well. We are all salaried leadership in the company albeit on different levels, now I feel like I'm not trusted. But I guess, If I have nothing to fear, I have nothing to hide right?

Is this a red flag?

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