
Found out we’d had our wages stolen at work.

I am one of 6 section leads at a manufacturing company. We were all made leads around the same time as part of a new swing shift. The pay scale is determined by size of sections, 1-3 people is the first tier and the second is 4-6 people. We were under the impression we were starting at the 4-6 rate, so when our sections went from the two people we each started with to 4+, we thought we were already being paid for that. We all had at least 4 people in our sections for months until recently when the company started firing people left and right. We were concerned that we would be taken down to the starting rate and our supervisor informed us we were safe because we were already at the lowest rate. I talked to my fellow leads and asked if they wanted to collectively do…

I am one of 6 section leads at a manufacturing company. We were all made leads around the same time as part of a new swing shift.

The pay scale is determined by size of sections, 1-3 people is the first tier and the second is 4-6 people. We were under the impression we were starting at the 4-6 rate, so when our sections went from the two people we each started with to 4+, we thought we were already being paid for that. We all had at least 4 people in our sections for months until recently when the company started firing people left and right. We were concerned that we would be taken down to the starting rate and our supervisor informed us we were safe because we were already at the lowest rate.

I talked to my fellow leads and asked if they wanted to collectively do something about it. They talked to the supervisor who told them not to bring it up, that we would be demoted if they do, and not to worry because he won't tell the office that we know. I think he's clearly covering his own ass because we weren't supposed to know we got robbed for months. Not really sure what to do, don't think there's anything I can do. My coworkers told me pretty directly they are going to stay silent on it and indirectly told me not to rock the boat.

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