
Fox News about “Great Regret” from the Great Resignation”. It's funny how the article talks about 26% regretting resignation but doesn't that mean that 74% don't? Also, 46% of those that returned to work were disappointed with their new employers failure to live up to expectations. This isn't an employee problem, this is an employer problem. And this isn't about laziness, it's about a generation of people reprioritizing life satisfaction over devotion to heartless companies. Fox News is constantly pushing the narrative that generations younger than boomers are lazy when in fact we are just calling out the decades of bullshit and greed That companies have been dishing out to their workers and we aren't taking it any more. We are willing to let companies go under to prove the point.

It's funny how the article talks about 26% regretting resignation but doesn't that mean that 74% don't? Also, 46% of those that returned to work were disappointed with their new employers failure to live up to expectations. This isn't an employee problem, this is an employer problem. And this isn't about laziness, it's about a generation of people reprioritizing life satisfaction over devotion to heartless companies. Fox News is constantly pushing the narrative that generations younger than boomers are lazy when in fact we are just calling out the decades of bullshit and greed That companies have been dishing out to their workers and we aren't taking it any more. We are willing to let companies go under to prove the point.

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