
Fox News “‘Great Resignation’: Over 70% of workers regret quitting their jobs”

So Fox News is running this story [Great Resignation': Over 70% of workers regret quitting their jobs] and they work -really- hard to put a “you should have stayed put in our job” spin on it, but I'll save you the effort and blood pressure rise and “translate” for y'all because what the article -really- indicates is that when the workers of the “great resignation” leave a job for another job, and that job wants to play games too, those workers choose to (suprise suprise) LEAVE! They don't “regret” leaving their other job, they just keep going, and will keep going, until they find someone who doesn't play all the games with them.

So Fox News is running this story [Great Resignation': Over 70% of workers regret quitting their jobs] and they work -really- hard to put a “you should have stayed put in our job” spin on it, but I'll save you the effort and blood pressure rise and “translate” for y'all because what the article -really- indicates is that when the workers of the “great resignation” leave a job for another job, and that job wants to play games too, those workers choose to (suprise suprise) LEAVE! They don't “regret” leaving their other job, they just keep going, and will keep going, until they find someone who doesn't play all the games with them.

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