
Free education should be a right.

Not sure if I should bring this up here but I think its relevant to the crowd. This whole student loan forgiveness thing is happening which is a great thing for people who have been slowly paying their debt, not so great for people who either paid it off or are so rich they see it as a theft. The pro argument: Frees people up for opportunity to invest and participate in the economy instead of paying loans for a decade. The con argument: It will affect our economy by adding to the deficit and somehow pass this debt on to tax payers. Now I'm no economist by any stretch but honestly how is the deficit relevant when there is no chance of that ever being paid off? And passing this on to tax payers? People bitching about that are the same people complaining about planned parenthood using their tax…

Not sure if I should bring this up here but I think its relevant to the crowd. This whole student loan forgiveness thing is happening which is a great thing for people who have been slowly paying their debt, not so great for people who either paid it off or are so rich they see it as a theft.

The pro argument:
Frees people up for opportunity to invest and participate in the economy instead of paying loans for a decade.

The con argument:
It will affect our economy by adding to the deficit and somehow pass this debt on to tax payers.

Now I'm no economist by any stretch but honestly how is the deficit relevant when there is no chance of that ever being paid off? And passing this on to tax payers? People bitching about that are the same people complaining about planned parenthood using their tax dollars to pay for abortions which is ludicrous. Its humanitarian aid for people trying to pull themselves up. This is what your taxes are supposed to be for. Support for the citizens, programs to better the country infrastructure, raise the standard of living, etc. So please someone tell me how a free education is a bad thing. How having more educated citizens won't raise the American standard of living.

Point is, the people on top want you less educated and pumping out children to feed their machine.

“If it ain't broke, capitalism.”

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