
Friendly reminder that credit unions are easy ways to fuck Wall Street

Just like everybody else, I feel so helpless with the Supreme Court and everything happening. But in a very small way, I am making changes about being thoughtful who gets my money and just wanted to share that Credit Unions are non-profits in the sense the revenue goes back into the credit union instead of to CEOs. When I worked at a credit union years ago, the board was all volunteer elected. The only perks were during the once a month meeting to go over and vote on issues, they usually got a really delicious catered dinner (my credit union only has 1100 members. I’m sure bigger ones have nicer perks for the board). They only pay office staff and since the rest of the revenue goes back into credit union, you got better rates than at banks. And at my credit union at least, If you had legitimate issues…

Just like everybody else, I feel so helpless with the Supreme Court and everything happening. But in a very small way, I am making changes about being thoughtful who gets my money and just wanted to share that Credit Unions are non-profits in the sense the revenue goes back into the credit union instead of to CEOs. When I worked at a credit union years ago, the board was all volunteer elected. The only perks were during the once a month meeting to go over and vote on issues, they usually got a really delicious catered dinner (my credit union only has 1100 members. I’m sure bigger ones have nicer perks for the board). They only pay office staff and since the rest of the revenue goes back into credit union, you got better rates than at banks. And at my credit union at least, If you had legitimate issues paying back a loan (unexpected job loss, sudden death of close family member who was primary income, for example) they went out of their way to try and come to an agreement on how They can best help you while also helping all the other members not having to eat the loan in case of default (Wall Street doesn’t care who suffers the consequences of bad loans because CEOs always take home millions) You aren’t a “customer” but a “co-owner” and have a say (if you want. Just like in real life, a lot of members don’t vote) in the board members since they are elected to terms. I’ve never had a bank account before and thought everyone had a credit union when I was growing up. When I started learning about the different I was like “holy fuck what is this shit” – there are good and bad credit unions just like banks but the underlying theme is that it’s owned by the members to help all the members and not Wall Street. Find one you like and stick with them. Smaller ones will know you by name and you’ll actually feel like a human. A lot don’t offer as many fancy benefits and tools and some of their apps aren’t as hi-tech but they look at you as a fucking human and keep the money local. I don’t have a lot of money and it’s a minuscule thing, but I rest better knowing I’m doing something, no matter how tiny, to fight back against all this bull shit.

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