
Friends: help me feel not guilty about calling out sick.

Hi all. This may sound silly but I’m sure others experience the same. I have a relatively new job that I’m enjoying (enough). Today I woke up feeling really nauseous so I called out sick. I called and the manager on duty was pretty short with me. There’s two people with my name so they just asked “Bob who?” And then just said “ok” and hung up. I know sick time is there for a reason and obviously I shouldn’t go to work sick, but my manager being short with me over the phone has me feeling a bit bad. Anywho, I don’t have a direct question I guess. I just wish I could have the same grace with myself as I do with my coworkers when they’re sick. It’s sucks that we’re socialized to feel guilty about taking care of ourselves. Now to sip on some ginger ale.

Hi all. This may sound silly but I’m sure others experience the same. I have a relatively new job that I’m enjoying (enough). Today I woke up feeling really nauseous so I called out sick.

I called and the manager on duty was pretty short with me. There’s two people with my name so they just asked “Bob who?” And then just said “ok” and hung up.

I know sick time is there for a reason and obviously I shouldn’t go to work sick, but my manager being short with me over the phone has me feeling a bit bad.

Anywho, I don’t have a direct question I guess. I just wish I could have the same grace with myself as I do with my coworkers when they’re sick. It’s sucks that we’re socialized to feel guilty about taking care of ourselves.

Now to sip on some ginger ale.

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