
From a person who can’t work…

My SSI is garbage. It's supposed to be enough to live on. I worked job after job to get here. Sometimes a new one every few weeks. Factories, warehouses, retail, restaurants, construction. Pretty much anything you can think of that doesn't require a degree. I've done it at the expense of my mind, body, and life outside of working. All of that for….well this. You can look at my post history if you want to see the whole story but suffice it to say, I'm screwed. I'm literally not allowed to save money or gain assets. Don't know why that's a rule, it isn't enough to save money on. Prices and interest rates keep rising. Used to be a time I could work a little here and there at the corner store (off books) to make ends meet. The guy was really kind, not at all wealthy, didn't even want…

My SSI is garbage. It's supposed to be enough to live on. I worked job after job to get here. Sometimes a new one every few weeks. Factories, warehouses, retail, restaurants, construction. Pretty much anything you can think of that doesn't require a degree. I've done it at the expense of my mind, body, and life outside of working.

All of that for….well this. You can look at my post history if you want to see the whole story but suffice it to say, I'm screwed. I'm literally not allowed to save money or gain assets. Don't know why that's a rule, it isn't enough to save money on.

Prices and interest rates keep rising. Used to be a time I could work a little here and there at the corner store (off books) to make ends meet. The guy was really kind, not at all wealthy, didn't even want the store, it was willed to him. He understood my disabilities and never pushed me or made me feel bad for them.

Welp, the pandemic finally killed his store. And most of the stores around me. His last day open he gave away everything to the community. Emptied it out. Really cool, but that's not what I'm here to say.

What I'm here to say is…for this? I ruined myself for this? All that work, all that effort, and nothing to show for it besides chronic pain and the know how to do a bunch of obsolete jobs that won't exist anyway in 5 years. I gave everything to work hard. I'm so disappointed in the world. So disappointed in myself.

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