
From an early age, the working class is trained they aren’t permitted to have a work life balance. This needs to change

When I was growing up, the infuriating thing that my parents always told me when I wanted to do anything during the week was, “It's a school night.” What I didn't realize is that this is how most of society operates. I'm very privileged because I work 9:00 to 5:00 and at the end of my day, at 5:00, I have the ability to just rest and unwind. **But most of society doesn't have the benefit of coming home and even resting. Most people seem to work around the clock, they end one job in the afternoon and go to another one until night time, get about half as much sleep as someone with a work-life balance, and then go right back to work without any down time. This shit is unfair, and it needs to change. I'll tell you one thing right now, **middle managers and executives never do…

When I was growing up, the infuriating thing that my parents always told me when I wanted to do anything during the week was, “It's a school night.” What I didn't realize is that this is how most of society operates. I'm very privileged because I work 9:00 to 5:00 and at the end of my day, at 5:00, I have the ability to just rest and unwind. **But most of society doesn't have the benefit of coming home and even resting. Most people seem to work around the clock, they end one job in the afternoon and go to another one until night time, get about half as much sleep as someone with a work-life balance, and then go right back to work without any down time.

This shit is unfair, and it needs to change. I'll tell you one thing right now, **middle managers and executives never do this. They have an incredible work-life balance, we're most of their time is actually devoted to things that have nothing to do with work. For all my previous managers who worked remotely, half the time they were doing something completely unrelated to school. Soaking in the pool, out and about on the town, all while making three times the salary that anyone else on their team makes.

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