
From overemployed to underemployed; I’m pissed off!

I started this year severely over-employed and now I'm severely underployed. FML. In January I was working THREE remote contracting jobs because no one wanted to bring me in full-time as a regular employee. My first job was SUPPOSED to be full-time (six month term but got renewed another six months) but I just couldn't keep myself busy for 40 hours, there wasn't enough to do to occupy me. The second job called me (a previous employer) needing some part-time help. I informed my project manager at job #1 (but not my boss) that I was getting more hours elsewhere. Then this third company called me FOUR MONTHS after a phone interview for a proper full-time job ending the video interview with 'we want to start you out as a contractor.” I was kinda pissed at them waiting four months but it was a job I really wanted and knew…

I started this year severely over-employed and now I'm severely underployed. FML.

In January I was working THREE remote contracting jobs because no one wanted to bring me in full-time as a regular employee. My first job was SUPPOSED to be full-time (six month term but got renewed another six months) but I just couldn't keep myself busy for 40 hours, there wasn't enough to do to occupy me. The second job called me (a previous employer) needing some part-time help. I informed my project manager at job #1 (but not my boss) that I was getting more hours elsewhere. Then this third company called me FOUR MONTHS after a phone interview for a proper full-time job ending the video interview with 'we want to start you out as a contractor.” I was kinda pissed at them waiting four months but it was a job I really wanted and knew I was good at. So I accepted, letting them know I could only do a few hours a week because of my other jobs.

I was struggling to keep up with three jobs and job #2 eventually got frustrated with me and dropped the contract. I feel bad about how it went down but whatever. Job #1 suddenly wanted a last-minute renewal for another six months (they waited until the last two weeks of the contract) but the project seemed like a HUGE deadend and the project manager (the only guy who knew what he was doing) had jumped shipped to another position elsewhere. So I declined to renew. But now I'm working at job #3 and sometimes they'll just say “oh we've run out of work to give you, we don't have any assignments that need doing.” This means I can't log any hours that day at all! I make a good rate per hour but my total income is really hurt when a day or two goes by where I'm not making money. I'm really mad about my current situation.

I hate that these modern corporations won't commit to properly employing people. Contingent labor sucks. I'm looking elsewhere for work but just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.

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