
Frustrated after a rejection

So this is more of a vent session. I’m tired of these places crying about a worker shortage and then don’t treat you like a person after an interview. Here is the story: Had an interview with a Nonprofit agency for a PT Grant Writer position. Mind you they wanted some ridiculous qualifications, primarily wanted 2 years experience in grant writing. Like whose going to take this job if they’ve been doing it for two years? So I applied because I have a bachelor’s in Social Work and a minor in Journalism. I figured I would be a great candidate because I care about social services and I can write. Had the interview and I thought it went well. Although, I guess that cliché question of “Where do you see yourself in five years,” bit me in the ass. I expressed I wanted to do research, and it’s important to…

So this is more of a vent session. I’m tired of these places crying about a worker shortage and then don’t treat you like a person after an interview. Here is the story:

Had an interview with a Nonprofit agency for a PT Grant Writer position. Mind you they wanted some ridiculous qualifications, primarily wanted 2 years experience in grant writing. Like whose going to take this job if they’ve been doing it for two years? So I applied because I have a bachelor’s in Social Work and a minor in Journalism. I figured I would be a great candidate because I care about social services and I can write.

Had the interview and I thought it went well. Although, I guess that cliché question of “Where do you see yourself in five years,” bit me in the ass. I expressed I wanted to do research, and it’s important to know how to get funding.

The next day I got the stock rejection email from the HR department. I emailed them asking for feedback and they said “We are looking for someone who is wanting to stay in this long term because this position might become full time.”

Are you kidding me? You, a social service agency, wants to have people work under this situation because it MIGHT become full time? When since 2019 you have had more of a financial deficit of $1 million? You have people cry at Social Justice Conferences that people can’t afford to rent homes and “you are doing all this work” for them and pull this? Give me a break!

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