
Frustrated and tired right now of my work life.

I hate that I had to be born during this timeline (born in 2000 btw) where it now feels impossible to get a simple little 3 bedroom house or hell, even a studio due to low work wages and these damn rising gas, rent and grocery prices. Meanwhile, my late teen parents had easily afforded a car and apartment with $5 per hour fast food jobs and I envy them! (ok small rant over) Anyways, I currently work at 2 hotels (well 2 hotels on the same property and company where I switch back and forth between them each week) and it's the first real job I finally got. Backstory: I've been applying to jobs since late 2018 and I always recieved rejection emails or never got any contact. 2019, I worked at my aunt's home daycare for part time. 2020- mid 2021 I was not employed at all and…

I hate that I had to be born during this timeline (born in 2000 btw) where it now feels impossible to get a simple little 3 bedroom house or hell, even a studio due to low work wages and these damn rising gas, rent and grocery prices. Meanwhile, my late teen parents had easily afforded a car and apartment with $5 per hour fast food jobs and I envy them! (ok small rant over)

Anyways, I currently work at 2 hotels (well 2 hotels on the same property and company where I switch back and forth between them each week) and it's the first real job I finally got.

Backstory: I've been applying to jobs since late 2018 and I always recieved rejection emails or never got any contact. 2019, I worked at my aunt's home daycare for part time. 2020- mid 2021 I was not employed at all and barely got through with my unemployment and stimulis check. Late 2021 I worked for my aunt again, not her daycare but as her personal chef. Finally this year, I got hired at an official job as a laundry attendant for 2 hotels.

I literally went through a honeymoon phase with this damn laundry job. I loved it so much at first since it's my first real job, I loved my coworkers (still do), and loved how simple it was. I ignored the bratty manager, the long commute, and the daily digusting things I had to wash because I was in love. Today, I fucking hate it.

We have a small meeting at 9 am everyday where all the present staff and 2 managers discuss on how the day is going to go pretty much and these meetings give the bratty manager permission to lowkey talk shit about us and complains we're not doing a good job even though we all truly work hard each day and the manager will never get to experience her employee's inner pain and frustration with keeping both hotels afloat. She simply doesn't appreciate us. Hate it.

One of my supervisors is bratty too and mocked me in front of others. She constantly complains about how I'm not working fast enough and mind you, I wash, dry and fold hundreds of laundry all alone and it easily gets tricky keeping up and working fast. One time, I was extremely overwhelmed with work and she did not offer to help even though she promised to and I almost walked out right there. Hate it.

Last week, my car was stolen during my shift. Told my less bratty manager and front desk to help me, they both literally laughed and joked about it in front of my face about it. Did not take it seriously. I live 30 minutes away and don't have the luxury of walking home like them. Finally putting in my 2 week notice.

I'm frustrated as hell. I put in applications for closer jobs and of course got no call backs and a rejection letter. I know leaving this job is financially risky but my mental health is way more important. And with these rising gas prices, the commute took 1/3 of my paychecks so I barely saved at the end. It feels like I'm going to be stuck living my damn unsupportive dad for the rest of my life (he charges me $400 for rent so fuck, think I'll be in the streets soon). Being a new adult in this timeline feels like hell and I don't know what to do…

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