
Fuck ambition/success and ‘what you want to be when you grow up’ bs

I’m in my mid 30s right now btw. I remember getting asked what my future goal was back in highschool by some lady who ran after school study academy. I answered that I want a happy life with loving family. She straight up laughed at me and told my mom I have no ambition and drive to be successful. 20 years later, I probably make 5x what she makes and still can’t afford to buy a decent house where I live. Found out that having a worry free happy life is probably the most ambitious goal you can have in life. Why we strive to work ourselves to death for some fake feeling of success and achievement is something I will never understand.

I’m in my mid 30s right now btw.

I remember getting asked what my future goal was back in highschool by some lady who ran after school study academy. I answered that I want a happy life with loving family.

She straight up laughed at me and told my mom I have no ambition and drive to be successful.

20 years later, I probably make 5x what she makes and still can’t afford to buy a decent house where I live.

Found out that having a worry free happy life is probably the most ambitious goal you can have in life.

Why we strive to work ourselves to death for some fake feeling of success and achievement is something I will never understand.

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