
fuck around and find out: managers micro managing

Decided to WFH the Friday before Memorial weekend. We are permitted to WFH if we don't have to go in to meet patients. I might work from home 3 days a month at most. It's always been a contentious topic. Bosses know I'm overwhelmed with the amount of responsibilities they added to my plate last year when another staff member left. My workload was doubled. Can't hire anyone because the pay sucks. They had to hire locums just to keep moving forward. Both locums rejected the lowball offers for hire after 6 months. Company re-contracted them for 3 more months. Still no new hires and I'm drowning. Bosses tell me it'll get better. I'm committed to the work and the docs I work with. They keep begging me not to get recruited into the companies that we do their clinical trials for. They know my pay is shit. They know…

Decided to WFH the Friday before Memorial weekend. We are permitted to WFH if we don't have to go in to meet patients. I might work from home 3 days a month at most. It's always been a contentious topic.

Bosses know I'm overwhelmed with the amount of responsibilities they added to my plate last year when another staff member left. My workload was doubled.

Can't hire anyone because the pay sucks. They had to hire locums just to keep moving forward. Both locums rejected the lowball offers for hire after 6 months. Company re-contracted them for 3 more months. Still no new hires and I'm drowning.

Bosses tell me it'll get better. I'm committed to the work and the docs I work with. They keep begging me not to get recruited into the companies that we do their clinical trials for. They know my pay is shit. They know how many trials I'm leading and know my managers set me up to fail.

Friday am i wake up to an email from my manager to call ASAP. I give her a call and she lays into me because I didn't tell her the day before that I intended to WFH that day. Goes on and on about it and I started crying. Not because I was upset about being reprimanded. Because it was finally the moment I had had enough. The last straw.

Now I'll be taking as much vacation as I can while I wait for my contacts at the companies I work with to find me a position. Sent out 8 other apps for a company that does contract work for research companies. I have over 5 weeks of vacation due to deadlines and audits.

The most ironic part of my bosses “advice” at the end of the call was, “you looked really pale the other day. You need to take time off.” Telling her I chose to WFH that day was me trying to self care and still be productive flew over her head.

Good luck finding someone who can take my studies. Structural Heart Clinical Trials is no joke. Can't just plop a college grad into that position and that's all that's applying due to salary.

TLDR: people really do leave their jobs over bad management.

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