
Fuck companies that force you to use accrued pto on sick time (Rant)

I unfortunately don’t have the option to quit right now but when I do I know I’ll be much happier. Context: My fiancée is chronically ill and diagnosed with multiple disabilities. So hospital visits are unfortunately common for us. When she is having a flare I have to go to the hospital with her for multiple reasons. 1. If she has a seizure she is postictal (post seizure confusion) for at least 2 hours and unable to advocate for herself 2. If she is alone in a hospital she will end up having a panic attack because of her ptsd 3. Even when she’s ok to go home she wouldn’t be able to drive herself. We are currently both work 9-5 jobs mainly to save up for her first service dog which we are getting through a training company. The total cost is $10,000 dollars and he is scheduled to…

I unfortunately don’t have the option to quit right now but when I do I know I’ll be much happier.

My fiancée is chronically ill and diagnosed with multiple disabilities. So hospital visits are unfortunately common for us. When she is having a flare I have to go to the hospital with her for multiple reasons. 1. If she has a seizure she is postictal (post seizure confusion) for at least 2 hours and unable to advocate for herself 2. If she is alone in a hospital she will end up having a panic attack because of her ptsd 3. Even when she’s ok to go home she wouldn’t be able to drive herself.

We are currently both work 9-5 jobs mainly to save up for her first service dog which we are getting through a training company. The total cost is $10,000 dollars and he is scheduled to be ready to come home in late October. Thankfully this year her visits have been way less often but we’ll both still miss a full day of work. I’d much rather use our pto on the required two week training with the training company that we have to do and take unpaid time now. But instead both of our companies are currently requiring us to use our pto for these hospital visits. So instead of missing one day out of a paycheck over multiple paychecks we’ll both be missing two weeks worth of pay all at once. And will blow through all of our savings at once instead of just part of them. I’m working on getting a license that will enable me to work from home and for myself but it takes multiple months and it won’t be finished until well after the service dog comes home.

In summary I’m not applying for pto, if they want me to use it they can do the paperwork on their end. I’m not doing shit and I can’t wait to quit in the new year.

Why do companies do this bs? Is it a deterrent from using pto? Is it just general idiocracy? I don’t think there is anything we can do right now but at least it’s not forever.

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