
fuck fast food, I hope to God I never have to work it again.

Worked at a subway, owned by a guy in town who owned a car dealership, the subway was across the street from the lot. The owner had fuck all to do with the store, but he would watch the cameras from the dealership, and if he saw us stand still, at all, he'd call the store phone and say “if you've got time to lean you've got time to clean.” I hated that so much. He was just a dick too, I drive a pt cruiser because it was $1800, and that's what I could afford bc we made $8.50 an hour. So one morning they drive in the new Ford broncos that just came out this year or the last, I'm really not sure, but anyway, the owner walked in for once, and I thought, ya know what, I'm gonna try and talk to him. I said: morning [name]…

Worked at a subway, owned by a guy in town who owned a car dealership, the subway was across the street from the lot. The owner had fuck all to do with the store, but he would watch the cameras from the dealership, and if he saw us stand still, at all, he'd call the store phone and say “if you've got time to lean you've got time to clean.”

I hated that so much.

He was just a dick too, I drive a pt cruiser because it was $1800, and that's what I could afford bc we made $8.50 an hour. So one morning they drive in the new Ford broncos that just came out this year or the last, I'm really not sure, but anyway, the owner walked in for once, and I thought, ya know what, I'm gonna try and talk to him.

I said: morning [name] saw the new broncos this morning, pretty sweet looking cars.

He says: yeah, that'd be quite the upgrade from that cute little car you drive.

Then he smirked and walked off.

Like, why ya gotta be a dick.

We had a manager, and he was alright, not great but not the worst, he'd give you time off if you gave proper notice, and if multiple people wanted a day, he'd cover the shifts so you both could get it.

Well, his mom died of cancer, and he took a week for bereavement, and ig the owner didn't abide by their agreement that he would be paid for that week.

So he quit, he was pissed bc he'd been there over 10 years.

So that left us without a manager.

The store owner made his secretary at the dealership run the subway, rather than actually hiring a new manager.

And she, didn't know how to run a restaurant, bc she's a secretary, at a car dealership, so she made one of my coworkers, do the managerial duties, without a pay bump, or the title, or the benefits that come along with the position.

It went on that way





It was an absolute clusterfuck.

Finally, he hired a lady as the manager who used to work there about a year and a half ago from that point.

And she wouldn't let us stop moving, it was constant.

And so one day there's a lobby full of people eating, not in line, and I went t the restroom, no more than 5 minutes, and when I come back, she says, loudly: quit jerking off and get back to work!

I turned beet red, because now everyone is looking at me.

About a month later, she bitched at me for standing still, while an order was coming in on the terminal while I waited for it to finish, and I wasn't cleaning.

I quit on the spot bc I had enough.

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