
Fuck putting in your 2 weeks notice.

If you ever think it's unprofessional to quit without notice just know your work doesn't give a fuck about professionalism they might fire you right on the spot depending on the managers mood. I work for a shitty manufacturing company that intentionally employs ethnic minorities so they can pay them low wages. Our stockroom people have been complaining about being underpaid and management has basically told them if they want to be paid more go somewhere else. One guy last month put in his two weeks notice and after about the 4th day the manager told him to not bother coming in anymore. So then they had 2 guys doing the work of 3 people and were planning on not hiring anyone new until the end of the year. So one guy asked for a raise (makes sense since the company would be saving thousands of dollars not filling the…

If you ever think it's unprofessional to quit without notice just know your work doesn't give a fuck about professionalism they might fire you right on the spot depending on the managers mood.

I work for a shitty manufacturing company that intentionally employs ethnic minorities so they can pay them low wages. Our stockroom people have been complaining about being underpaid and management has basically told them if they want to be paid more go somewhere else. One guy last month put in his two weeks notice and after about the 4th day the manager told him to not bother coming in anymore. So then they had 2 guys doing the work of 3 people and were planning on not hiring anyone new until the end of the year. So one guy asked for a raise (makes sense since the company would be saving thousands of dollars not filling the open position) but the manager told him “they make more at McDonald's.” He didn't get what she meant but I took it as if you don't like how much you're getting paid go work at McDonald's. So the other stockroom guy put in his two weeks notice today and less than an hour later the HR lady told him today would be his last day. Dude tries to be professional and give them time to find his replacement and they just fired him…Fuck this place. The last stockroom guy already has an interview set up for Monday and I told him if you get the job just quit this place don't bother trying to give any kind of notice. I'm in the process of trying to find a new job and plan on just quitting on the spot when I get a different job.

TL;DR Fuck giving a two weeks notice.

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