
Fuck Renter’s Insurance

Not sure if this is right for this sub, but I just want to say fuck landlords and the shitty scheme of Renter's Insurance. It is ridiculous that I have this insurance which covers jack shit when it comes to actual claims and coverage so that my landlord can claim he has no liability or some shit like that. It's just another fee, another way to oppress the working class. I am sick of landlords living off us like parasites and wanting no responsibility whatsoever.

Not sure if this is right for this sub, but I just want to say fuck landlords and the shitty scheme of Renter's Insurance. It is ridiculous that I have this insurance which covers jack shit when it comes to actual claims and coverage so that my landlord can claim he has no liability or some shit like that. It's just another fee, another way to oppress the working class. I am sick of landlords living off us like parasites and wanting no responsibility whatsoever.

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