
Fuck this. Fuck all of it.

Hi im having a panic attack and my girlfriend is at work so I need to vent somewhere. Im seventeen, get paid almost two and a half times minimum wage, and pay very low rents cause I'm living in a friends spare room. Even with those things, the advantage I have over so many people especially on this sub that are getting screwed by shitty jobs and absorbent rent, the amount of anxiety and stress the state of my finances (or lak thereof) is causing me is driving me insane. I managed to pay rent this month, but I have to pay for my college classes soon and I'm about a thousand dollars short. I work forty hours a week to barely scrape by and I'm seventeen. I'm working full time as a machinist, schooling full time, and even with that I'm barely going to be able to pay for…

Hi im having a panic attack and my girlfriend is at work so I need to vent somewhere.

Im seventeen, get paid almost two and a half times minimum wage, and pay very low rents cause I'm living in a friends spare room.

Even with those things, the advantage I have over so many people especially on this sub that are getting screwed by shitty jobs and absorbent rent, the amount of anxiety and stress the state of my finances (or lak thereof) is causing me is driving me insane. I managed to pay rent this month, but I have to pay for my college classes soon and I'm about a thousand dollars short. I work forty hours a week to barely scrape by and I'm seventeen. I'm working full time as a machinist, schooling full time, and even with that I'm barely going to be able to pay for college. I haven't been able to afford anything fun or treat like in god knows how long because I've had to hoard enough money to be able to pay for anything. I get four hours a day to myself between getting home from work and having to go to bed to make sure I don't pass out the next morning on my way to work.

Why the fuck did we agree to this system? Why the fuck did we agree to this. I'm going to spend the rest of my life having to constantly stress this much and it's only going to get worse. Idk where I'm even going with this I'm just so fucking sick of living like this and terrified of what I'm going to do with myself having to live like this for the next 50 years.

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