

So, basically my original General Manager (GM) and Assistant Manager had to leace the McDonald's I was working at cuz the neighboring one was a shithole and they needed to save it. So, they sent us a new GM who you could clearly tell didn't know what she was doing. Don't get me wrong, when it comes to her job at being a Manager, she was the best one we had… with one problem. She didn't give a fuck about anything but money and her job. She was so by the book that she was the strictest manager ever. Most of us hated having her there. We all agreed that our previous guy wasn't the best at doing his job because he was too lenient, but we still appreciated having him when we did. Even our shift managers talked about wanting him back. I managed to keep away from her…

So, basically my original General Manager (GM) and Assistant Manager had to leace the McDonald's I was working at cuz the neighboring one was a shithole and they needed to save it. So, they sent us a new GM who you could clearly tell didn't know what she was doing.
Don't get me wrong, when it comes to her job at being a Manager, she was the best one we had… with one problem. She didn't give a fuck about anything but money and her job. She was so by the book that she was the strictest manager ever. Most of us hated having her there.
We all agreed that our previous guy wasn't the best at doing his job because he was too lenient, but we still appreciated having him when we did. Even our shift managers talked about wanting him back.
I managed to keep away from her for about a week, not having to deal with her. But the other day, she was the only manager around. I walk into work, wearing the exact same clothes as I have been the past week, which she never commented on before, and when I went to ask to buy some food (which we get half off) before work, she looked me up and down and pointed at my pants saying, “Are those McDonald's pants?”
I honestly didn't know. I had so many pants at this point that thanks to my color blindness, and fading of denim due to consistent cycles in the washer, I couldn't tell the difference. Along with this, as I mentioned before, I HAD BEEN WEARING THE SAME PANTS FOR THE PAST WEEK WITHOUT HER SAYING ANYTHING.
Lucky enough, we just received our shipment of replacement clothing, so she handed me my new outfit and sent me to go change. Unfortunately this made me inable to buy any food and coffee as I do everyday. When I went to the restroom to change, someone was in the stall, so I had to wait for them in order for me to change. This made me late for work, which I was pissed about, but I decided whatever, imma just work.

For this next part imma have to give background.
I'm losing the place I'm living at, and have to find a place to stay temporarily.

Onto the next part
So, while there are no customers in drive through, my brother (who I managed to get to work there through a referral program) and I were talking about where I'd stay. (The landowner of his place won't let me stay there.)
So, we think up a cheap hotel in town and I go to look up. Lo and behold, who appears none other than our clueless GM. She sees me on my phone and asks why. I let her know about my situation, and in the most disrespectful way possible, she dismisses my story as if unimportant and tells me to put my phone away.
Now if she would've had at least a little remorse, I'd've understood, but nah, she's a robot for the fucking system.
So, I put my phone away in the break room and rush back to my station. After this she tells me to go to the office in a tone that you can tell nothing good is coming.
So, me, having already to deal with losing my place without anyone to help me, finally goes over the edge and I have a mental breakdown. I storm out of my station, gives her a good ol' “FUCK YOU! FUCK THIS SHIT! I QUIT!”

I then gave a good fuck you to the one kid who literally everyone there hates as an employee cuz he's got so many of us in trouble by blaming us for his failures to do his job.
Good kid, bad employee.

A friend of mine there held me back from getting too violent, which I was genuinely about to, then I left.

And as if a blow to how much people respect the current GM, when she asked everyone to write down what happened, no one, but my brother, would do so. And even then, he purposefully wrote ineligibly and was very detailed in his vagueness.

I had a mental breakdown at McDonald's because of a inhuman manager that lacked remorse for the colorblind kid everyone liked when they talked about their becoming homeless.

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