
Fuck this system: Had 37 in bank, pumped 20 in gas, was preauth for 45, overdraft fee of 35… spent 20 dollars and am now -27…

This happened today to my fiance… Oh not to mention the 10 bucks in tolls daily… Then when she got to work at her new job they demand that she go pay out of pocket 60 dollars for fingerprinting that they will reimburse us for in two weeks… Sure she could say thats illegal… Then no job in a few weeks when they fire her for something unrelated… Its time to eat the rich because this is some fucking bullshit.

This happened today to my fiance… Oh not to mention the 10 bucks in tolls daily… Then when she got to work at her new job they demand that she go pay out of pocket 60 dollars for fingerprinting that they will reimburse us for in two weeks… Sure she could say thats illegal… Then no job in a few weeks when they fire her for something unrelated…

Its time to eat the rich because this is some fucking bullshit.

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