
Fuck TikTok, keep the stupid Chinese 996 work culture out !

As Chinese myself who lives in the west, I support boycotting of these unethical Chinese companies. “Former TikTok employees from other countries have also spoken out against the company's aggressive work culture. Employees previously told Insider that Beijing-based ByteDance wielded tremendous influence in shaping TikTok's working culture. Chinese tech companies often follow a “996” work schedule where employees work six days a week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. After China's top court declared last year that the practice was illegal, ByteDance instructed Chinese employees in October that they could no longer work past 7 p.m. However, TikTok and ByteDance employees elsewhere still report working around the clock.”

As Chinese myself who lives in the west, I support boycotting of these unethical Chinese companies.

“Former TikTok employees from other countries have also spoken out against the company's aggressive work culture. Employees previously told Insider that Beijing-based ByteDance wielded tremendous influence in shaping TikTok's working culture.

Chinese tech companies often follow a “996” work schedule where employees work six days a week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. After China's top court declared last year that the practice was illegal, ByteDance instructed Chinese employees in October that they could no longer work past 7 p.m.

However, TikTok and ByteDance employees elsewhere still report working around the clock.”

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