
fuck working (vent)

I'm so pissed off. honestly. I'm a almost a year working into this job, the first months I worked as a camp counselor and an after school coach, and the rest until now, I manage front office. by myself most of the time, along with a lot of other shit that was handed over to us this school year. and I'm pretty much the one that gets all the blame if something goes wrong and I'm not even really trained for this but whatever. recently we are REALLY understaffed. a coach that my manager had hired said that she couldn't make it most of this month due to the fact that her son has to go to hospitals, etc, and is said to already looking for a new job. of course, I'm the one that substitutes for her, I teach a couple classes and go back to office. when I…

I'm so pissed off. honestly. I'm a almost a year working into this job, the first months I worked as a camp counselor and an after school coach, and the rest until now, I manage front office. by myself most of the time, along with a lot of other shit that was handed over to us this school year. and I'm pretty much the one that gets all the blame if something goes wrong and I'm not even really trained for this but whatever.

recently we are REALLY understaffed. a coach that my manager had hired said that she couldn't make it most of this month due to the fact that her son has to go to hospitals, etc, and is said to already looking for a new job.

of course, I'm the one that substitutes for her, I teach a couple classes and go back to office.

when I asked about my raise, they said I got a 50 cent raise.

50 cents??? over minimum wage??? I work approximately 40-50 hours a week at this “part time job” and thats all I get?? after all the time and help I offer? it really pissed me off knowing my other coworkers got $1 raise.

and I know it's because I'm naturally a pretty anxious, anti social, and submissive person. I know they take advantage of that and it frustrates me to no end but I can never get myself to speak up about it.

when I had asked today that if I would at least get a bonus for subbing in when I'm not even qualified for the position, my manager said that I have to do a couple of classes and if I get no complaints (which is ridiculous, btw, their teacher changes once every two weeks. Ofc they'll complain) then she'll think abt it.

I hate the environment I work in, and after talking to several others and seeing how much they make, when I get my license and am able to drive, I'm seriously considering switching jobs. it's just too frustrating when they can't even get my login and password for a site that shows how much taxes I'm paying and at what rate. I'll ask every day and my manager will have to ask the other managers, and they'll have to ask the owner, and the owner will turn her back to the other managers.


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