
Fuck you Bill Maher

My husband and I watch Real Time With Bill Maher every week. This past Friday’s show he made a few comments about “quiet quitting” and how it is really just about screwing over the customer in front of you by doing the bare minimum. I don’t always agree with Bill’s views, he sometimes goes off on these elitist rants that remind me that he is not as in touch with the average man as he thinks he is. This latest show proves that yet again. Screwing the customer? Have you had any dealings with “the customer” lately? Anyone who deals with the public knows the fucking absolute pain in the ass most people are. The bullshit we have to put up with, plus don’t forget to smile and thank them while you are doing it. My company “generously” (sarcasm) let’s us wear jeans on Fridays. Last week we actually had…

My husband and I watch Real Time With Bill Maher every week. This past Friday’s show he made a few comments about “quiet quitting” and how it is really just about screwing over the customer in front of you by doing the bare minimum. I don’t always agree with Bill’s views, he sometimes goes off on these elitist rants that remind me that he is not as in touch with the average man as he thinks he is. This latest show proves that yet again. Screwing the customer? Have you had any dealings with “the customer” lately? Anyone who deals with the public knows the fucking absolute pain in the ass most people are. The bullshit we have to put up with, plus don’t forget to smile and thank them while you are doing it. My company “generously” (sarcasm) let’s us wear jeans on Fridays. Last week we actually had a customer complain about us being able to wear jeans. I’ve had customers spit at me, call me every name in the book, threaten me and my staff, and yet I am supposed to go above and beyond for a company that gives 2-3% raises on average no matter how hard you work. I busted my ass and was ranked in the top 10 in my division (out of hundreds) and STILL only got literally .25 (CENTS!) more than usual in my raise the next year. I have been with this company for 10 years and I honestly cannot say why I am still there. Stupidity? Insanity? I think I am just too exhausted all the time to make the change. And I guess that’s part of how they fuck you as well. Fuck the public, fuck corporations, and fuck you Bill Maher. I’ll see you next Friday.

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