
Fuck you Goodyear

Go through several phone interviews, take a day off of work (unpaid because I’m out of PTO, luckily my current employer is actually very understanding), go in and take one of the hardest tests of my life. Following said test I sit down with some douche canoes for an “interview”. In this interview I ask what the job entails of. 98% of what I would be doing for said job has absolutely nothing to do with the test I took. Three weeks later I find a better, more relaxing job with the same amount of pay and a better job title on my resume. Three weeks later I never received any kind of call or email to tell me I didn’t get the job offer. Am I surprised that a massive corporation couldn’t even reach out to me to say “sorry but we have went with someone else for the…

Go through several phone interviews, take a day off of work (unpaid because I’m out of PTO, luckily my current employer is actually very understanding), go in and take one of the hardest tests of my life.

Following said test I sit down with some douche canoes for an “interview”. In this interview I ask what the job entails of. 98% of what I would be doing for said job has absolutely nothing to do with the test I took.

Three weeks later I find a better, more relaxing job with the same amount of pay and a better job title on my resume. Three weeks later I never received any kind of call or email to tell me I didn’t get the job offer.

Am I surprised that a massive corporation couldn’t even reach out to me to say “sorry but we have went with someone else for the position”? No, I am not surprised at all, I am a firm believer in common courtesy and the fact that employers can’t take five minutes of their day to tell someone that they weren’t selected just pisses me off.

End rant.

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