
Fucking supervisor

This is just a rant. I absolutely dread every day I have to go to work with my supervisor. When he is not there, everything is perfect. When he is, we all hate our lives. The work itself is not hard, but putting up with all his shit is. It started to affect my health to the point where I've gotten OCD in the recent months and I need to double check everything in my house etc. I really believe that he pays us to emotionally abuse us. The pay is good (compared to the rest of the market) that's why we put up with it. He knows that and he keeps throwing more shit at us. I hate this and I hate adulthood and no I'm not immature, it's just that I'm tired of all this bullshit just like all of us are.

This is just a rant. I absolutely dread every day I have to go to work with my supervisor. When he is not there, everything is perfect. When he is, we all hate our lives. The work itself is not hard, but putting up with all his shit is. It started to affect my health to the point where I've gotten OCD in the recent months and I need to double check everything in my house etc. I really believe that he pays us to emotionally abuse us. The pay is good (compared to the rest of the market) that's why we put up with it. He knows that and he keeps throwing more shit at us. I hate this and I hate adulthood and no I'm not immature, it's just that I'm tired of all this bullshit just like all of us are.

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