
Fun Fact….

Fun fact, in 1968 the federal minimum wage in the US was $1.60 which would be $13.62 in todays dollars. That is exactly a 46.7695 % decrease in actual spending power compared to today’s minimum wage of $7.25. Next time a boomer tries to tell you how they used to clean dishes for 2 dollars an hour and how they would have loved to be paid $10 for flipping burgers, tell them to go f*** themselves.

Fun fact, in 1968 the federal minimum wage in the US was $1.60 which would be $13.62 in todays dollars.

That is exactly a 46.7695 % decrease in actual spending power compared to today’s minimum wage of $7.25.

Next time a boomer tries to tell you how they used to clean dishes for 2 dollars an hour and how they would have loved to be paid $10 for flipping burgers, tell them to go f*** themselves.

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