
Gave my two weeks at my last job and was told to just go home and come get your tools sometime in the next week.

So I am a mechanic by trade and I was working at a dealership. I was flat rate for those who don't know it is where you only get paid for work done and each job has an amount of hours billed to it and you get paid that hour amount. So if a job pays an hour and you get it done in 15 minutes you just got paid an hour for 15 minutes but if you run into problems and it takes you two hours you still only get the one hour and and worked an hour for free. (Which is legal) So back to the story I was a journeyman tech and was only being paid $16/hr no benefits. So I found a new job doing fleet maintenance for a company in a union shop making $19/hr with full medical dental pension and 401k or roth and…

So I am a mechanic by trade and I was working at a dealership. I was flat rate for those who don't know it is where you only get paid for work done and each job has an amount of hours billed to it and you get paid that hour amount. So if a job pays an hour and you get it done in 15 minutes you just got paid an hour for 15 minutes but if you run into problems and it takes you two hours you still only get the one hour and and worked an hour for free. (Which is legal) So back to the story I was a journeyman tech and was only being paid $16/hr no benefits. So I found a new job doing fleet maintenance for a company in a union shop making $19/hr with full medical dental pension and 401k or roth and when I told my boss I found a new job it pays better and has benefits he offered me an $8 hr raise to stay and gave me a day to think about it while it was really tempting to take it I declined. I knew if they were willing to give me a 50% raise without batting an eye they wouldn't have a problem wronging me in the future. I went in and told him I was still going to leave and that I'm officially giving my two weeks. He said thanks, but I don't accept two weeks because I don't want to worry about you checking out and having comeback work which I never had given him a reason to believe that would be a problem because I had one of the lowest comeback rates in the shop. So he tells me to go home and come and get your tools within the next week. The company I went to has been 1000X better I have since gotten 2 promotions and am now making $29/hr and it only took a year and a half at my current job to do that I have supervisors suggesting I take leadership classes so I can move into management and if everything goes to plan I'll be making $38/hr in the next 3 years thanks for taking the time to read this

Tl;dr told my boss I got a new job he offered me $8/hr to stay in a flat rate shop I said no thanks and was sent home and told to come get my tools within the week. Now I make more make more than his offer would have given me in just a year and a half and have a path into management.

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