
Gen Z adult “doing it right” and I’m already tired. I don’t want to continue.

Got great grades in highschool. Went to a decent uni where I worked 25-30 hrs a week to put myself through school. Graduated 3.5 GPA in chemical engineering and now trying to start my career. Tons of debt bc of abusive home life, working my ass off to pay it down. I live like a pauper. Constantly foregoing relationships and general “life” things bc I don't have the time, energy or money for them. I hate that the young are constantly just expected to put off their lives for work/career. FUCK OFF with that. Why do I need to make sacrifices just to hold up this dumbfucking system that will never be sated? Sorry if this read like an r/depression post but I am very depressed lately because of this world.

Got great grades in highschool. Went to a decent uni where I worked 25-30 hrs a week to put myself through school. Graduated 3.5 GPA in chemical engineering and now trying to start my career. Tons of debt bc of abusive home life, working my ass off to pay it down. I live like a pauper. Constantly foregoing relationships and general “life” things bc I don't have the time, energy or money for them. I hate that the young are constantly just expected to put off their lives for work/career. FUCK OFF with that. Why do I need to make sacrifices just to hold up this dumbfucking system that will never be sated? Sorry if this read like an r/depression post but I am very depressed lately because of this world.

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