
General Strike…. Starting June 24th, 2023?

So I’ve seen a lot of calls for a general strike starting today. I’ve also seen a lot of comments laughing at how ridiculous that would be. The usual point (and most important imo) is a lack of infrastructure to do so, leaving many Americans that live paycheck to paycheck to make the decision to either go without to show solidarity in the strike, or be labeled scabs that “don’t actually care about women.” I’m one of these people. I could afford a day or two MAYBE but we all know it needs to last at least a couple weeks before the movement is taken seriously and most people just don’t have the resources to do that. Some people have suggested the 4th as an alternative but, again, short notice and no organizational infrastructure makes it difficult. Not to mention starting a strike on a holiday a lot of people…

So I’ve seen a lot of calls for a general strike starting today. I’ve also seen a lot of comments laughing at how ridiculous that would be. The usual point (and most important imo) is a lack of infrastructure to do so, leaving many Americans that live paycheck to paycheck to make the decision to either go without to show solidarity in the strike, or be labeled scabs that “don’t actually care about women.”

I’m one of these people. I could afford a day or two MAYBE but we all know it needs to last at least a couple weeks before the movement is taken seriously and most people just don’t have the resources to do that.

Some people have suggested the 4th as an alternative but, again, short notice and no organizational infrastructure makes it difficult. Not to mention starting a strike on a holiday a lot of people get off and paid kicks off the strike with an underwhelming and probably uneventful day.

I’m not trying to subvert anyones movement. If you think striking today until you can’t strike anymore is a good idea, go for it. I support you and this post isn’t meant to undermine your efforts. I’m just looking for strong, effectively organized movements that we can all prep and plan for so the thing doesn’t fizzle.

So see the title. Why can’t we spend the next year building up to the biggest strike this country has ever seen? Organizing locally, online, and literally any way we can to make an actual impact.

One of the reasons conservatives have gotten so much traction on this is the slow and long game they’ve been playing. If we are only reactionary, our rights will keep disappearing. If we methodically plan out action and stick to it, we have a shot.

June 24th marks the day worker rights were set back significantly. They will continue to strip away every right we have until this country collapses, the world ends, or both.

So let’s “celebrate” the day our rights were rolled back 50 years by showing them how meticulously concerted our efforts can be. Let’s shut down the fucking country. But let’s not rush into it. Let’s take our time. On June 24th, 2023; a REAL general strike that we can all plan for and, more importantly, participate in.


I don’t want this to be another feel good shit post. Be productive.

Share local groups that would support this, and push the idea on them. Make sure people know about it. We’ve got infrastructure to build and resources to stock. Best get to it.

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