
General work reform ideas

This a duplicate post from r/work reform but the more conversation, the better. If we want to see change, we need to agree to common-sense reforms that we can demand from the people whose lifestyles are funded by our tax dollars! Below are some thoughts and ideas that I’ve been making a list of on my notes app. Every time I read an infuriating story on antiwork and related subs, I add more to the list. Please feel free to add your own suggestions, and modify mine with something you find reasonable. Remember, getting to a point where lots of people all want to see the same thing happen is the first step of meaningful change. [ ] Weekly pay is the mandatory min pay period. Ban Check processing fees to accommodate [ ] 5 min grace period for all employees entering/leaving work mandatory by law [ ] job cannot…

This a duplicate post from r/work reform but the more conversation, the better.

If we want to see change, we need to agree to common-sense reforms that we can demand from the people whose lifestyles are funded by our tax dollars!

Below are some thoughts and ideas that I’ve been making a list of on my notes app. Every time I read an infuriating story on antiwork and related subs, I add more to the list. Please feel free to add your own suggestions, and modify mine with something you find reasonable.

Remember, getting to a point where lots of people all want to see the same thing happen is the first step of meaningful change.

  • [ ] Weekly pay is the mandatory min pay period. Ban Check processing fees to accommodate

  • [ ] 5 min grace period for all employees entering/leaving work mandatory by law

  • [ ] job cannot require overtime. Employee can refuse overtime for their entire career without retaliation

  • [ ] 6 hour work day is full time

  • [ ] 24-30 hour work weeks @ 6 hr/shift

  • [ ] Wednesday’s off forever

  • [ ] Never require references of any kind. People need to work to survive and many do not have strong social connections

  • [ ] WFH must legally be offered for all jobs that can support it

  • [ ] All acronyms in job postings must be written out in plain English prior to abbreviation. Kind of like how it’s expected in written deliverables by employees

  • [ ] Healthcare has nothing to do with work. Fully nationalize and reform healthcare to bring lowest possible costs to patient

  • [ ] Break up the work week. 5 days of continuous work ruins the brain

  • [ ] Sitting is expected for any and all customer service positions. Sitting will no longer be considered unprofessional.

  • [ ] Profesional clothing is weather dependent. Any day above 66 degrees allows employees to wear shorts that go 2.5” above knees with a polo. It’s dystopian thinking we need to measure this.

  • [ ] Approved time off CANNOT be revoked under any circumstance. The culture of on-demand business MUST die for the sake of the humans operating the system

  • [ ] Abolish credit system from 1989. Find ethical ways of making credit decisions

  • [ ] All job postings need to advertise expected NET pay after taxes and healthcare (which shouldn’t cost a dime, we have the MOP)

  • [ ] No one works more than 5 days per week under any circumstances. Bare minimum of two consecutive days off

  • [ ] Unlimited unpaid sick time off. If the person claims they are sick, they can take up to two consecutive days off. At the end of the third day they must produce a doctors note. (Assuming a country with nationalized healthcare) [If worker doesn’t have health insurance, each business operating in US will have a company-liasoned doctor or healthcare network nearby the work site specifically for sick notice verification and physicals]

  • [ ] No business can retaliate in any manner against people calling out sick

  • [ ] Job Postings are legally binding and must contain all info below (at minimum):

Work Location
Desired Candidate Location
Remote Available?
Hybrid Available?
Remote Specifics

Full Time/ Part Time?

Base Pay Rate (Range)
Average Itemized Earnings of position (if not fixed pay rate)
Pay frequency

Working hours
Hours fixed or flexible?
Break info
Overtime expectations
Overtime Pay Info

Holidays Observed
Vacation Time Amount
Personal Time Amount
Sick Time Amount
Other Time Off

Health Insurance Options
Dental insurance options
Vision Insurance options
Life Insurance options
Healthcare Spending Account Options

Drug Tests Specifics?
Background Check?
Credit Check?

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