
Generational Requirement Creep for the American Dream.

Lately I have been thinking about just how hard it is becoming to “make it” today and how much the requirements have crept generationally. My Grandfather was a appliance repair man before owning a pet store in a small town. Firmly middle class supporting 6 kids and my Grandmother. Homeowner multiple cars and yearly vacations to visit family in Europe before retiring to Florida in late 50s. My Father worked his way up the corporate ladder with just an unrelated associates. He along with my Mother who also works full time achieved near the same albeit only supporting 2 kids, few vacations, and are still working in their late 50s. I am in my early 20s working my way up the career ladder as a engineer at a F100 company. I will have both a bachelors and a masters along with the advantage of finding my career at a younger…

Lately I have been thinking about just how hard it is becoming to “make it” today and how much the requirements have crept generationally.

My Grandfather was a appliance repair man before owning a pet store in a small town. Firmly middle class supporting 6 kids and my Grandmother. Homeowner multiple cars and yearly vacations to visit family in Europe before retiring to Florida in late 50s.

My Father worked his way up the corporate ladder with just an unrelated associates. He along with my Mother who also works full time achieved near the same albeit only supporting 2 kids, few vacations, and are still working in their late 50s.

I am in my early 20s working my way up the career ladder as a engineer at a F100 company. I will have both a bachelors and a masters along with the advantage of finding my career at a younger age. All of this considered provided my SO will work I will most likely be able to just afford a similar lifestyle as my father and grandfather despite how much I have progressed.

This is unsustainable, will the only homeowners of the next generations outside of inherited money be Doctors, Lawyers, SWE etc?

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