
Geo-coordinates for a job interview.

If this doesn't belong here, i apologize. I never thought i would have content for this sub. I have lurked for about 6 months. I am interviewing for a new job. I live in the suburbs. I got contacted by an employer in the city. I explained that depending where they are at in the city, i might not be able to arrive in a timely fashion depending on their start time. After a few emails back and forth with them explaing the importance of being to work on time, and me continuely agreeing and asking for the address so i can let them know if it works for me, i get f*cking geo-coordinates. I think they are begging me to tell them fcuk you. Them: I think you would be a great fit. Me: you are sort of far. Can i have the address so i can confirm if…

If this doesn't belong here, i apologize.

I never thought i would have content for this sub. I have lurked for about 6 months.

I am interviewing for a new job. I live in the suburbs. I got contacted by an employer in the city. I explained that depending where they are at in the city, i might not be able to arrive in a timely fashion depending on their start time.

After a few emails back and forth with them explaing the importance of being to work on time, and me continuely agreeing and asking for the address so i can let them know if it works for me, i get f*cking geo-coordinates.

I think they are begging me to tell them fcuk you.

Them: I think you would be a great fit.

Me: you are sort of far. Can i have the address so i can confirm if i can make it to work.

Them: we need some one we can depend on. We need someone here on time.

Me: i agree. Can i have the address?

Them: the last person was out sick all the time or was always late. We don't want that again.

Me: i agree. Can I have the address?

Them: we are uncertain if you are the right person.

Me: i agree. Can we schedule an interview so i can see what my commute is like? Or how about the address? I can tell you definitively if i can make it on time daily.

Them: geo-coordinates.


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