
Get a job selling cars.

Seems like a ton of people are in a situation where they work so incessantly that they have no extra time to do anything. No time for hobbies, no time to learn new skills, no time to look for other jobs. If that's already the case and you're making no money and you can't make ends meet, get a job selling cars. It's a lifer job where the sales people essentially work there all day everyday but if you're decent you'll make 80 – 100K a year. Not a hard job to get, but a hard job to do for a lot of people. If you're already in a desperate situation making no money why not give yourself the opportunity to maximize income rather than be stuck making a shitty wage? Also, for those that think that anyone that sells anything is an evil slime ball, you're wrong. One can…

Seems like a ton of people are in a situation where they work so incessantly that they have no extra time to do anything. No time for hobbies, no time to learn new skills, no time to look for other jobs. If that's already the case and you're making no money and you can't make ends meet, get a job selling cars.

It's a lifer job where the sales people essentially work there all day everyday but if you're decent you'll make 80 – 100K a year. Not a hard job to get, but a hard job to do for a lot of people.

If you're already in a desperate situation making no money why not give yourself the opportunity to maximize income rather than be stuck making a shitty wage?

Also, for those that think that anyone that sells anything is an evil slime ball, you're wrong. One can be very successful without being a dick and screwing people over.

Finally I've seen a lot of people posting here that work at Best buy. Best buy trains you how to sell stuff but they don't pay you a penny to do it. You can use the skill set you learn at Best buy to sell cars and make tons of money.

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