
Getting disrespected for pulling away more than my own weight

I've worked at a public access TV station for almosy 3 years now and not once was I recognized or respected for my work. I feel I've even gone above and beyond my station and only got a raise that's barely larger than my state's minimum wage. But today is the last straw. I've been feeling sick (not covid) but I've still been coming in. At my work we only have a staff of 8 and only 4, including myself, have the job of occasionally recording events in the public and two production staff members are on vacation. (The rest of the positions are admin such as social media and management etc.) Yesterday, I was told of an event from my admin team that I'd have to cover today. I hate noticies of less than a day but unfortunately this was a staff error and not the error of the…

I've worked at a public access TV station for almosy 3 years now and not once was I recognized or respected for my work. I feel I've even gone above and beyond my station and only got a raise that's barely larger than my state's minimum wage.

But today is the last straw.

I've been feeling sick (not covid) but I've still been coming in. At my work we only have a staff of 8 and only 4, including myself, have the job of occasionally recording events in the public and two production staff members are on vacation. (The rest of the positions are admin such as social media and management etc.)

Yesterday, I was told of an event from my admin team that I'd have to cover today. I hate noticies of less than a day but unfortunately this was a staff error and not the error of the requestor of the event so I have very little ground to deny it.

However, this type of event usually requires three people (two cameras and one technical director) so I raised my concern to my boss and one of the admin staff. They said two of the production staff members will be asked to cover the event with me so we can do a two-camera shoot.

They both denied.

So now I am currently doing a two-camera shoot by myself and a multicam edit later on (which is horrible as a it's very demanding on computers)

As I was going to get the equipment, however, I overheard my boss and the admin staff member from before making fun of me for coming in sick and saying they put me in my place by asking me to put on my mask (noone asked me to. I did it on my own volition)

Honestly I had half a mind to full on deny the request, but it was a half an hour to the event starting and cancelling this late would either get me fired or reprimanded.

I didn't confront them as I was so hurt to hear it but needless to say I will be looking for employment elsewhere.

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