
getting more and more frustrated at work.

I (m20) started working at this company in February. I got offered a minimum pay and a company car. In the beginning this seemed fine and I agreed because I didn't want to ask for more. My degree is only high school and have no prior experience so this would be a fair start. After doing this job and getting really good at it I am starting to get really frustrated at the way things are going. I work 8 hours a day, have no break, managed to raise the margin profit of the store above 50% for the first time in the history of this store being active. I have 2 free days but they are not connected to each other, there is no social contact what so ever as I am alone running the whole store. The only criticism I get is negative ones and I get called…

I (m20) started working at this company in February. I got offered a minimum pay and a company car. In the beginning this seemed fine and I agreed because I didn't want to ask for more. My degree is only high school and have no prior experience so this would be a fair start. After doing this job and getting really good at it I am starting to get really frustrated at the way things are going. I work 8 hours a day, have no break, managed to raise the margin profit of the store above 50% for the first time in the history of this store being active. I have 2 free days but they are not connected to each other, there is no social contact what so ever as I am alone running the whole store. The only criticism I get is negative ones and I get called and contacted on my free days to ask why I didn't do xyz. I love the job but it's monotonous and boring, days are the same, the customers can be a pain in the ass, there is no validation for my good effort etc…
All of this has made me really really frustrated, I feel like a little slave printing money for my boss while I just get paid a minimum amount… Yes I have a car now… But that's legit the only way of transportation to get here and its an hour commute every day.
Should I be looking for another job? Or is this completely normal and part of life cuz if so I'm just out of here and will start living in the woods somewhere in a cabin away from this f'ed up societal model.

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