
Getting ready to walk out

I started my current job in December last year, I found out I was pregnant in May. Since I broke the news to my boss she has made a point of making my work life absolutely miserable. I come into work daily feeling like I am about to get fired. The smallest things set her into a rage. Just today I asked the office assistant to scan something for me and my boss came into my office shaking she was so angry, began wagging her finger at me and said “next time ask me first before you ask her to do something for you!” She also blew up at my coworker yesterday “DID YOU EVEN REMEMBER TO GET THE MAIL TODAY?!?!” She had already gotten it. The icing on the cake: last Friday she emailed me asking how much time I would take for maternity leave. I told her I…

I started my current job in December last year, I found out I was pregnant in May. Since I broke the news to my boss she has made a point of making my work life absolutely miserable.

I come into work daily feeling like I am about to get fired. The smallest things set her into a rage. Just today I asked the office assistant to scan something for me and my boss came into my office shaking she was so angry, began wagging her finger at me and said “next time ask me first before you ask her to do something for you!” She also blew up at my coworker yesterday “DID YOU EVEN REMEMBER TO GET THE MAIL TODAY?!?!” She had already gotten it.

The icing on the cake: last Friday she emailed me asking how much time I would take for maternity leave. I told her I wouldn't know until washington state approves pfmla and I can't even apply until after I've had the baby. I also inquired about working part time from home and part time in the office when I return to work since we currently have people who are doing this, her response was to tell me they don't allow that, followed by lame excuses. A straight up lie.

Sunday morning a previous employer of mine contacted me with an offer for my old job but 100% remote.

So now my question is: do I give 2 weeks courtesy, or just stop coming in?

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