
Getting Screwed Over at Work

I've been working at my job for almost 3 years. I have excelled in every job role available in my department and am even the one training new hires. Just found out after discussing wages with my coworkers, that I am being paid 4 dollars an hour less than a couple of people who were hired-on less than 6 months ago. Now this has me pretty pissed and going to meet with my administrator on Tuesday to discuss a pay raise because this is bullsh*t. Any tips and recommendations on what I should say and do at this meeting? I should also mention that I have had a pay raise two times since I started working here with the most recent one being at the beginning of May.

I've been working at my job for almost 3 years. I have excelled in every job role available in my department and am even the one training new hires. Just found out after discussing wages with my coworkers, that I am being paid 4 dollars an hour less than a couple of people who were hired-on less than 6 months ago. Now this has me pretty pissed and going to meet with my administrator on Tuesday to discuss a pay raise because this is bullsh*t. Any tips and recommendations on what I should say and do at this meeting? I should also mention that I have had a pay raise two times since I started working here with the most recent one being at the beginning of May.

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