
Girlfriend went to first day at new job, they said they restructured an now she doesn’t have a job.

My girlfriend was supposed to start her new job 15 minutes ago, when she showed up HR told her they “restructured” and she no longer has a position at the company. They said that they sent at email on Monday but there is no email. Is this common nowadays? I’ve never heard of anything this messed up or unprofessional. For background my gf quit her old job because she was miserable and planned to take a month or two off to relax and job search (we live together and I make high enough income for us to get by without her working). She randomly applied at a few places and this company immediately wanted to interview. This job was close to our home and hybrid so it was appealing to her. The next day after her interview they made her an offer, and even offered $500 bonus to the start…

My girlfriend was supposed to start her new job 15 minutes ago, when she showed up HR told her they “restructured” and she no longer has a position at the company. They said that they sent at email on Monday but there is no email. Is this common nowadays? I’ve never heard of anything this messed up or unprofessional.

For background my gf quit her old job because she was miserable and planned to take a month or two off to relax and job search (we live together and I make high enough income for us to get by without her working). She randomly applied at a few places and this company immediately wanted to interview. This job was close to our home and hybrid so it was appealing to her. The next day after her interview they made her an offer, and even offered $500 bonus to the start next week, the exact day after her two weeks notice at her previous job. Yesterday was her last day. She wakes up excited to start her new job only to be told she doesn’t have one and that they emailed her on Monday. Even if they had (she checked junk and inbox, no email) that is still insane and not enough time! Luckily it’s not a huge deal and she dodged a bullet because I can provide for us, but I’m in pure shock that this company had the audacity to do this. Seems highly unethical.

She works in the accounting field, is this kind of thing common? I’m blown away by the audacity of this place. They are lucky my girlfriend is a sweet person because if it was me, I would have exploded and given them a piece of my mind. Anyways I’m just absolutely appalled and want to do something to really hurt this company and keep others away who might want to work there.

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