
Give me an ultimatum? Behold! The consequences of your actions!

This happened 9 months ago. I worked at a custard shop, let’s call it goobers. This is the story of why I quit my job at goobers and the satisfying aftermath. So I (19 F at the time) was a supervisor at goobers. Come in at 9am, go to the bank and deposit cash from the night before, run to the store to buy milk and bananas if needed, make the custard for the day, and open at 11. All of this was expected to be done by one person for 12 dollars an hour. Not great, but doable. Did this 5 days a week for a few months. My shifts were from 9 to 4 with one 15 minute break. After awhile I started to feel burnt out. I was working, taking classes, dealing with a court case looming over my head bc of a stupid decision I made…

This happened 9 months ago. I worked at a custard shop, let’s call it goobers. This is the story of why I quit my job at goobers and the satisfying aftermath.

So I (19 F at the time) was a supervisor at goobers. Come in at 9am, go to the bank and deposit cash from the night before, run to the store to buy milk and bananas if needed, make the custard for the day, and open at 11. All of this was expected to be done by one person for 12 dollars an hour. Not great, but doable. Did this 5 days a week for a few months. My shifts were from 9 to 4 with one 15 minute break.

After awhile I started to feel burnt out. I was working, taking classes, dealing with a court case looming over my head bc of a stupid decision I made (no harm done and all charges dropped) and a bit of a dysfunctional family disaster going on at home. This was also mid pandemic. I went to my manager, let’s call him Maxwell, to let him know I would no longer be working Sundays. He basically told me to work Sundays or leave. Two days later my two week notice was on his desk. Bite me, bitch.

After a month I transitioned to a great new job where I’m still employed to this day. Goobers however, did not have the greatest transition. An old friend of mine who still worked there spilled the tea for me a few months later.

Another supervisor, we’ll call him Trevor (17 m) liked to ride his high horse like his ass was glued to it. Talk about an obnoxious prick. He and I did not get along but I tried my best to keep things professional and respectful. Maxwell gave me the ultimatum because he thought I was trying to avoid Trevor, his best employee.

Yeah….Trevor almost got the place robbed.

My boy Trevor answers the phone one day and the “police” had called the store. They were the “police” from town A. This Goobers was in town B. See the problem? Anyway the police tell Trevor to bring all the cash in the store to the Walgreens down the street for a handoff to PREVENT Goobers from being robbed by some thieves in the area. Sounds like an easy scam to see through right?

Trevor went to Walgreens with 800 dollars in a ziplock bag.

The only reason goobers didn’t get robbed is bc the scammers weren’t even there. While Trevor made a bad decision everyone on shift with him quit on the spot. A pile of two week notices were left in the office for Maxwell to find the next day. It was a disaster.

But wait! There’s more!

Everyone but maybe 3 people quit. Maxwell had to cover for them. Three 14 hour shifts later and Maxwell dipped too. He had worked for goobers for 13 years.

So here we are present day. The general manager took over the store and refuses to let employees take tips. She’s more of a hardass than Maxwell. As far as I’m aware Trevor still has his job. Why? Everyone quit. They had no choice but to keep him.

There’s been a “now hiring” sign in the window since I left. Every time I drive by I get to see it. Sometimes the best way to prove a point is to walk away.

Fuck you Trevor.

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