
Given a shitty review

I've been a nurse for 18 years, worked in this hospital for 10. Today when going over my review I was given a 3 out of 5 in “competency.” I questioned why this was, as I have always received great reviews in the past. I was told that our CFO instructed supervisors to give all PRN employees an average review in the 3s. She shared with me that she also received a review in the 3s. Cool. No retention bonus for per diem, and now they are giving us artificially low reviews to justify not giving us raises. It's so demoralizing that I typed up my notice tonight and am seriously considering turning it in tomorrow.

I've been a nurse for 18 years, worked in this hospital for 10. Today when going over my review I was given a 3 out of 5 in “competency.” I questioned why this was, as I have always received great reviews in the past. I was told that our CFO instructed supervisors to give all PRN employees an average review in the 3s. She shared with me that she also received a review in the 3s.

Cool. No retention bonus for per diem, and now they are giving us artificially low reviews to justify not giving us raises. It's so demoralizing that I typed up my notice tonight and am seriously considering turning it in tomorrow.

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