
Given points for calling off work when I had COVID

I work for a large amusement park company, and they have a point system in place for all employees. You get 1 point for being late for your shift, 3 points for calling off a shift with advance notice, and 5 points for a no call no show. At 15 points you are “terminated”. In early June, specifically June 3-7, I got COVID. Most likely contracted while I was at work. June 3rd I was sent home early from my shift because I felt bad, and the 4th I called off my shift because I felt even worse. Finally, on the 5th I went to urgent care because I felt like I wasn’t getting better and tested positive for COVID. The CDC protocol at the time was to quarantine 5 days from symptom onset, and to wear a mask for another 5 days. So the doctor said I could return…

I work for a large amusement park company, and they have a point system in place for all employees. You get 1 point for being late for your shift, 3 points for calling off a shift with advance notice, and 5 points for a no call no show. At 15 points you are “terminated”.

In early June, specifically June 3-7, I got COVID. Most likely contracted while I was at work. June 3rd I was sent home early from my shift because I felt bad, and the 4th I called off my shift because I felt even worse. Finally, on the 5th I went to urgent care because I felt like I wasn’t getting better and tested positive for COVID. The CDC protocol at the time was to quarantine 5 days from symptom onset, and to wear a mask for another 5 days. So the doctor said I could return to work June 8th, but I had to call off my shifts on the 6th and 7th.

Company policy for my work is that points are only excused with a doctors note. So, when I returned to work I handed my paper work into first aid, and thought the issue was resolved, and the 9 points I received for the 3 called off shifts were removed.

But today I learned that since the paperwork I handed in said that I went to the doctor on June 5th they couldn’t excuse the 3 points for my called off shift on the 4th. So even though I was symptomatic the 3rd and 4th they refused to remove my remaining 3 points. I was frustrated and tried to point out how stupid it was, but the staff kept repeating that “it is company policy”.

Knowing that I wasn’t getting anywhere I decided to just try the urgent care to see if they would write a note for me to get the points removed. But they say they can’t because that would be “falsifying documents”, and they can’t excuse me from works on days prior to my visit.

So now I just am stuck with the 3 points even though I was most likely positive and contagious with COVID. Guess I should have just come in to work and infected all the staff and guests.


I got COVID and called off shifts, but work is giving me points for one of the called off shifts because I went to the doctor a day later.

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