
Giving my two weeks to a toxic insurance call center job without another job lined up. Thoughts?

I used to work for a large theater ticket sales and service call center for 2 years. Then became a face to face teller at a bank and finally ended up at a big Auto insurance company, selling and servicing customers over the phone for 2 years. A few weeks ago, I hit my 2 year anniversary at the insurance job and at the same time, the job had announced what my schedule would be for the next 6 months. (They have this thing where you submit your top 5 schedule choices and they put you into a large pool of other employees that then get run through a filtering software, that selects your schedule.) I ended up with shitty choices and have never had a schedule where you have 2 days off in a row. I ended up getting an email from Corporate, congratulating me for my 2 years…

I used to work for a large theater ticket sales and service call center for 2 years. Then became a face to face teller at a bank and finally ended up at a big Auto insurance company, selling and servicing customers over the phone for 2 years. A few weeks ago, I hit my 2 year anniversary at the insurance job and at the same time, the job had announced what my schedule would be for the next 6 months. (They have this thing where you submit your top 5 schedule choices and they put you into a large pool of other employees that then get run through a filtering software, that selects your schedule.) I ended up with shitty choices and have never had a schedule where you have 2 days off in a row. I ended up getting an email from Corporate, congratulating me for my 2 years at the company, telling me how much they value me and such. There's a million other things about the call center job that infuriated me to the point of quitting, but getting delt a shitty schedule after being there for 2 years, meeting all of their call metrics, was the last straw. I am going to put my two weeks in a few days but don't have another job lined up. I've been doing my due diligence by revamping my resume and looking at other positions at different companies but I don't have anything tangible and have not even submitted a single application yet. I've worked out the financials and I have enough in my emergency cash account to sustain me for 6 months before I have to liquidate any Roth IRA assets but the prospect of leaving a remote role at a shitty yes, but very massive corporation that pays a steady paycheck, has got me worried a bit. The worry comes from me not wanting to accept another position at a call center or something that deals with the general public. It feels like that's all the experience that I have had for the past years and I have a feeling that if I choose a completely different field, I'll have to start over and get crappy entry level salary. I'm looking at hopefully moving to a recruiter role or even something that's still customer service but in a chat function. I also have a active p&c insurance license so it seems like a waste to let it go lol. I feel like this might be the time in my life when I have to choose a career that I'll love so as not to end up semi-rich but miserable in the end. People always say that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. I think I want to take that leap and it's kind of exhilarating and also frightening. Curious if anyone else has quit their position without another secure job in place or if you've thought about the possibility of changing careers and starting something new.

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