
Glassdoor Reviews Disappearing?

An old employer has engaged in some very sketchy activity and has quite a few Glassdoor reviews referencing that activity. Old coworkers and I would watch the Glassdoor reviews and share with each other when a new one published, honestly as a “so glad we left” thread. In one week, rating went from 3.9 to 4.8 with the same amount of reviews. We can’t find ANY of the old negative reviews referencing the illegal/immoral behavior and there are about 10 brand new reviews. This has completely eradicated any trust I had in the transparency of Glassdoor and their “no reviews deleted” policy. Edit: if you see a bad review, please let that have more merit than any of the good ones. I’ve seen a few comment threads with tons of upvotes on advice to always check Glassdoor. Please don’t make the mistake of thinking you are getting anywhere near the…

An old employer has engaged in some very sketchy activity and has quite a few Glassdoor reviews referencing that activity. Old coworkers and I would watch the Glassdoor reviews and share with each other when a new one published, honestly as a “so glad we left” thread. In one week, rating went from 3.9 to 4.8 with the same amount of reviews. We can’t find ANY of the old negative reviews referencing the illegal/immoral behavior and there are about 10 brand new reviews.

This has completely eradicated any trust I had in the transparency of Glassdoor and their “no reviews deleted” policy.

Edit: if you see a bad review, please let that have more merit than any of the good ones. I’ve seen a few comment threads with tons of upvotes on advice to always check Glassdoor. Please don’t make the mistake of thinking you are getting anywhere near the full picture. Especially if the employer is in the midst of or about to go through a funding series.

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