
GM at new job doesn’t know anything & she pushed out employee who did it all

I've been at my job for less than 3 weeks. They had a complete office staff change in the last few months, save one person who was there for 5 years and did everything, knew everyone. Well a few days after I started, that person (let's call her S), gave notice. Me and the other new girl went to her constantly with questions bc the systems we use aren't intuitive and they use multiple sites to accomplish one thing. Well, S's last day was yesterday. On Monday we're on our own. The thing is, the GM has been there for 2 months but she isn't from this industry. And she also doesn't know anything about the software we use. So we can't go to her with any questions. Our contacts for help are in another time zone. Midday yesterday she asked if I know about billing and payments (nowhere close…

I've been at my job for less than 3 weeks. They had a complete office staff change in the last few months, save one person who was there for 5 years and did everything, knew everyone. Well a few days after I started, that person (let's call her S), gave notice. Me and the other new girl went to her constantly with questions bc the systems we use aren't intuitive and they use multiple sites to accomplish one thing.

Well, S's last day was yesterday. On Monday we're on our own. The thing is, the GM has been there for 2 months but she isn't from this industry. And she also doesn't know anything about the software we use. So we can't go to her with any questions. Our contacts for help are in another time zone.

Midday yesterday she asked if I know about billing and payments (nowhere close to my job description and not something I've done before). I said no, she said “have S to show you”. S had a meltdown and said she was in training for 2 weeks to know how to do those things but she is supposed to train me in a few hours. She gave me a crash course. And told me where the bank cards are for deposits. But I don't have my logins yet.

My question is, why is something important like money, thrown on a random brand new office person instead of the GM taking care of it? I honestly don't know what she does. I'm scheduled 7am to 4pm. She gets there after, leaves before and leaves for lunch. I'm stressed out and she's building a birthday list.

AND she told me that she doesn't want me to get any overtime. S used to take her work laptop and cell home with her and work off the clock to take care of employees in the field that needed things after she left the office. I'm not working off the clock. But because the GM doesn't know the industry, she doesn't realize that it's very common for problems to arise right before you are about to walk out the door.

How should I approach this? I don't want to quit bc I am getting paid more, I'm learning new skills and I think this would look good on my resume. But I refuse to work off the clock to get things done. So I guess let things burn after I leave right at 4?

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