
GM realized that she done goofed…

So, the basic boil down is I am working at a hotel that is part of an international hotel group. (cough cough) It is below my skill set as I have legal assistant/paralegal training, but I couldn't afford to be picky after four months of being unemployed. In the time I have been there, I have made friendly with everyone from the owners to the kitchen staff to the housekeeping team to my coworkers at the front desk. The only thing is, the GM was hired three weeks after I was hired (by the owners) and, to be frank, she hates the air I breathe. Nothing I do is right. I was 'improperly trained'- despite the fact that I do things the way the owners trained me. I 'have an attitude'… Largely because I work night audit (2300-0700) and I am regularly not allowed to clock out until the GM…

So, the basic boil down is I am working at a hotel that is part of an international hotel group. (cough cough) It is below my skill set as I have legal assistant/paralegal training, but I couldn't afford to be picky after four months of being unemployed.

In the time I have been there, I have made friendly with everyone from the owners to the kitchen staff to the housekeeping team to my coworkers at the front desk. The only thing is, the GM was hired three weeks after I was hired (by the owners) and, to be frank, she hates the air I breathe.

Nothing I do is right. I was 'improperly trained'- despite the fact that I do things the way the owners trained me. I 'have an attitude'… Largely because I work night audit (2300-0700) and I am regularly not allowed to clock out until the GM shows up which can be anywhere between 0900 and 1400. (So, yeah, sleep deprivation induced grumpy is natural, methinks!) Then, because I was “unreliable” (I had COVID for the third time and had to take a week off work because I was hospitalized!), she cut me from 40+ (more like 60+, but….) hours a week to 20.

So, with my FOUR days off, I went and found a new job. In a law office. Not personal injury which is where my experience is, but in bankruptcy law. Again, can't afford to be picky. Benefits and pay are good and I will be able to keep the hotel job and work Friday/Saturday nights for some pocket money beyond my bills.

I informed my GM of this very politely. (I said something about how I understood that it was difficult to schedule me effectively due to the wide variety of skill sets I had and I felt that it was appropriate that I took initiative to look further afield to make sure that I could meet my financial obligations since I knew that she couldn't guarantee me shifts anymore.) She goes, “Well, that was faster than I expected. I was planning on scheduling you for Saturday and Sunday nights for the foreseeable future. Thanks for letting me know that your availability has changed.”

This rubbed me the wrong way, so I also made sure to text the owners and the other three GMs for the properties closest to my main property as I was occasionally picking up shifts at the other properties. Gave the group text the same general information (added in that I loved the job- which I do- but made sure to emphasize that it was purely a financial decision with a smattering of not-quite-innocent 'Hey, by the way, did you know that Bad GM did this?') and made sure that the group was aware of my new availability.

So, Bad GM calls me at 2330 and tells me that the 'super reliable' woman she had hired last week was on her third no-call no-show and “Would you mind picking up a shift tonight?” More money in my pocket, so I trot off to work. I actually am relieved of duty ON TIME for the first time in MONTHS and head home. I go to sleep….

And I wake up to a text from Bad GM saying “Please call me when you wake up. Thank you.”

First off, she has NEVER said please to me, MUCH LESS THANK YOU!!! So, I call her back (reasonably certain that she's about to give me das boot!) and the conversation basically goes, “I have been told to counter offer in order for us to keep you. What is the law office job offering you?”

Me: (Insert salary) a year pre-tax minimum, (insert other benefits that hotel doesn't offer, including Direct Deposit), and no weekends.

Bad GM: I…. I need to talk to the owners to make a counter offer. We weren't expecting that level of compensation. I know we can't offer you no weekends….

Me: I told you once, Bad GM. I have a variety of skills and I can mingle with anyone from the local crackheads and drunks to Senators and Governors. My code switching is immaculate.

So, now I am waiting for the counter offer. Honestly, I'm probably not going to accept it because, if they can't even meet the bare minimum of Direct Deposit for people's pay, why should I stay with a manager that hates me and abuses my time?

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