
Going back to work Within 4 months of giving birth.

I am from India (F/31) and I recently gave birth to a baby boy in February. I was working in a law firm since before I got pregnant unexpectedly. So being in a private firm, there was no question of even asking for a paid maternity leave. I had talked to the bosses and told them that I would work physically in office as much as possible before delivery and then take a 6 month break post delivery. However, due to a shortening cervix, I had to go on bed rest by 5th month of my pregnancy up until beginning of my 9th month. However, as I had given my word and it was new Firm, I continued to work from my bed rest out of sheer goodwill and loyalty for my Firm, even sending them clients who approached me for work. Now I really worked my ass off in…

I am from India (F/31) and I recently gave birth to a baby boy in February. I was working in a law firm since before I got pregnant unexpectedly. So being in a private firm, there was no question of even asking for a paid maternity leave. I had talked to the bosses and told them that I would work physically in office as much as possible before delivery and then take a 6 month break post delivery. However, due to a shortening cervix, I had to go on bed rest by 5th month of my pregnancy up until beginning of my 9th month. However, as I had given my word and it was new Firm, I continued to work from my bed rest out of sheer goodwill and loyalty for my Firm, even sending them clients who approached me for work.
Now I really worked my ass off in this office before being pregnant and even while being pregnant. Now I really expected understanding on their behalf once I delivered. But to my surprise and saddening shock, post my delivery, I didn’t receive much even a congratulatory message from the bosses. My husband suggested we go and meet them with the baby in office just to say hello (after 21 days of delivery). One of the bosses (who is The SNOB) just left office 5 mins before we reached. Well I just took it in good stride and we went back without much word.
I could make out the vibes in the office that being a woman employee and having a kid was a GREAT INCONVENIENCE for them. Nonetheless, I didn’t pay heed to that thought.
Then a few days later, I was contacted for some work which I gladly did it despite being a hard job for me as I was struggling as a first time mother and had to take care of the baby alone. All this was known to my office peeps. Then I left the city to be with my mom and later with my husband (in another city where he is posted).
Now I get a call a few weeks later that there is an urgent assignment required to be completed with two three days and clients need to be responded to immediately with advice. Again, out of respect, I said yes I will do it. But then the nightmare started. Constant pressure to work fast – lectures on me disappointing them if work not done – how severely my work affects the firm – how I am not doing my job well – how they would have to close the firm if I don’t do work with perfection – blah blah blah. It was so much pressure coupled with the newborn’s responsibility that my brain froze and I couldn’t take it anymore. I stopped taking their calls. Just stopped everything. My brain had just refused to function. I can’t explain it but it was escapism in a way. Didn’t want to deal with them or tell them I can’t do work right now the way I they want or the way used to before my pregnancy (like late nights and early mornings) as that would be disappointing them and I didn’t want to do it. So I disappointed them by vanishing.

So two months of being vanished from work, I worked up the courage to call one of the bosses few days back. So he was good enough to take my call and talk to me politely- I explained to him my situation and my difficulty. But then he said things to me which really upset me somehow – he said that I should reconsider whether I can work or not seriously and that I would probably have to take a paycut.
I am very upset that there is no consideration of the postpartum status of a woman and I being expected to work like I have no baby and yet take a paycut. I am torn now between taking up their work again or looking for a new job which may even be harder. And all this while looking after an infant.

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