
Going from dream job to I hate my job in less than 3 months

This is a long story & I’m on mobile so sorry for the formatting. It all started when I got hired for my DREAM job. I should say this job let me enter into the company that I’ve always dreamed about working for. I was so excited even though they don’t pay a living wage. Luckily I have support from other people in my life where rent is not an issue that I have to worry about. I was hired to work in their new building but for now I’d be cross training. On my SECOND day at the job, this girl who was a couple chairs down from me was getting not necessarily yelled at but a quiet “stern” talking from one of the girls who sat right next to her. Then the girl comes over to the woman who is training me & starts complaining about how she…

This is a long story & I’m on mobile so sorry for the formatting. It all started when I got hired for my DREAM job. I should say this job let me enter into the company that I’ve always dreamed about working for. I was so excited even though they don’t pay a living wage. Luckily I have support from other people in my life where rent is not an issue that I have to worry about. I was hired to work in their new building but for now I’d be cross training. On my SECOND day at the job, this girl who was a couple chairs down from me was getting not necessarily yelled at but a quiet “stern” talking from one of the girls who sat right next to her. Then the girl comes over to the woman who is training me & starts complaining about how she doesn’t do this & that & how she’s irritated with it all. I’m like “ok this is definitely a huge red flag” but like I said this was my DREAM to work for this company. As the week goes by, this happens a lot to this poor girl & I’m getting sick and tired of it. When we finally get alone time I ask the girl if she is ok & what is with this other girl harassing her & picking on her. She tells me that this has been going on for a long time & that all the women who have been training me have also been apart of being mean & rude to her. I ask her the obvious question, did you do anything & she’s says no I only started working here & they just picked on me. I tell her that I will try to do something about it because I HATE BULLYS. By the time lunch comes around, this girl literally gets back from a talk with management in front of everyone & looks at me & says “I can’t do this anymore, thank you for trying to help. I quit” This secretly enraged me but I had to keep my cool in front of everyone. NOW I have an agenda & it’s to get justice for this girl. I start being trained in other departments of the company & I get close to a few girls who tell me that this person not only harassed that girl, but also THEM & they were forced to move out of that location because of her bullying & spreading false rumors. They also tell me that their were other girls before the girl I met who quit because of the same reason. I go to my manager & say hey I personally witnessed this girl bullying that other girl can I write a statement about it. They give me the corporate bs of saying they can’t talk about situations concerning other employees. I ask them if their was anything done about the situation & they say yes. They also come back to me & say “hey there’s been someone who has said that you are short & rude so we’re going to stick you at this location permanently” WHAT? So they punish me by having me take the first seat at one of their busiest locations for someone saying I was “rude”. Ok so I find out management is useless & I keep bugging them about following up with termination because this girl has obviously broken SEVERAL POLICIES & they also give me the corporate BS about how hard it is to fire someone for those specific reasons (I live in an at will state) & that even though it seems unfair I’d have to trust them. HA. I have to go up several managers to get something done about my situation because I refuse to stay at a location I wasn’t hired to be at. Flash forward to now & this girl is sitting right next to me now in our fancy new building with a coffee shop & every new technology you can imagine. Guess what’s happening to me. If you’ve guessed she’s subtly harassing me now you are RIGHT. I let my team lead know that I think it’s a terrible idea for her to sit next to me because I’m uncomfortable with what she has done to other people & they go to my management & management comes back & says “oh we don’t want to be moving people around a lot so let’s try it for a week” AFTER THEY JUST MOVED ME FROM MY LOCATION WITHOUT ANY NOTICE. I am starting to hate my job & hate the people who work around me. Besides my lead, I feel like no one there wants to say the obvious. This girl is TOXIC but they still go with it because she’s “nice & helpful”. I’ve started calling in as my way to “protest” because if they’re not going to fire someone for BULLYING another employee then what could they possibly fire me for? My management has talked to me about my absences but I’m just running out of fks to give them an excuse anymore. I’ve only been at this job for 3 months. How can I still stay sane & maliciously comply with their BS? One of my co workers suggested to call the integrity line but I feel like it would make it obvious that I called since I’m the only one who seems to not be ok with this. I also already told my lead I am doing exactly what is in my job description (as they made us do things outside of what is stated) & to not ask me to do anything more unless I’m paid. I show up, I shut up & I do my job while my co workers yak away. HOW DO I MANAGE THIS CORPORATE HELL?

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