
Going in to my first day today at a job I probably won’t have in 2 more weeks.

I am a self employed consultant in a niche industry, and my biggest contract just expired, leaving me in a too much time not enough money quandary for the next 45 or so days. Another contract starts at the end of next month, but for today, I am without an income. Not good. Bills are coming. I saw this coming, as I have known for a while this contract was ending. So, I went to a local job fair a few weeks ago to score a quick joe job as a stop-gap and got a gig scrubbing toilets overnight at a local hotel / convention center to keep the bills paid, but its not a permanent thing and likely wont last but a paycheck or two. I start my first full shift in a few hours. I am romancing notions of the funnest, most effective ways to shirk at my…

I am a self employed consultant in a niche industry, and my biggest contract just expired, leaving me in a too much time not enough money quandary for the next 45 or so days. Another contract starts at the end of next month, but for today, I am without an income. Not good. Bills are coming.

I saw this coming, as I have known for a while this contract was ending. So, I went to a local job fair a few weeks ago to score a quick joe job as a stop-gap and got a gig scrubbing toilets overnight at a local hotel / convention center to keep the bills paid, but its not a permanent thing and likely wont last but a paycheck or two. I start my first full shift in a few hours.

I am romancing notions of the funnest, most effective ways to shirk at my job. This is a MAJOR corporate hotel chain with dozens of locations worldwide. IDGAF about this job. Feelin cute. Might get fired. IDK?

So im looking for ideas how to waste the next eighty hours. All I need are 2 fourty hour checks to take up the slack (80 hours total, or roughly the same amount of money I would make in about 10 hours consulting).

Thoughts? I was thinking about taking lots of pictures of my shirking fun and posting it online while milking this situation for all that sweet, sweet karma, but wtf do I know? I figure r/antiwork probably has the answer.

This place has ALL the indicators of being a toxic work environment. HIGH turnover. “We are just one big family around here! It really is true! Everyone has everyone elses back…” has been repeated multiple times. My new family required me to do a background check, dresses me only in clothes they like, follow me on cameras and monitor my every move with key cards and electronic access and they search my bags when I leave work and tell me when I can and when I cannot drink water. They are, truly, worse than my actual family, which is a bold statement all on its own.

I feel sooo bad for all my coworkers and yet I have not even started my first shift. I dread going in in an hour and I know that, for me its just a temporary gig doing fuck all until I get canned or tired of it (and caught up on bills.) Some people have to do this crap for EVER and they have no way out.

I would like to dedicate the next two weeks or so to those who are stuck in a crappy job they hate and are powerless to do anything about it. If you could afford to hit the berserker button at work, how would u do it?

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