
Going into week 3 of a strike

Here in Minneapolis we have been holding the line. Teachers and support staff are on strike. I believe that this is the country’s largest active strike. Sacramento teachers are about to go on strike this week. It is a larger school district but I don’t know if the support staff are striking too. They might take the lead for largest strike depending on the number of striking staff. Solidarity from Minnesota to California. Morale is great. Staff are doing great. We are half way to matching the longest Chicago teacher strike. Solidarity to Chicago but in the spirit of friendly competition we just might out strike you. It has been a wild ride. A school board members has already resigned. The next day the head of HR accept a new job. Pandemonium is a good description. If we can do it, all of you can do it. Stay strong.

Here in Minneapolis we have been holding the line. Teachers and support staff are on strike. I believe that this is the country’s largest active strike.

Sacramento teachers are about to go on strike this week. It is a larger school district but I don’t know if the support staff are striking too. They might take the lead for largest strike depending on the number of striking staff. Solidarity from Minnesota to California.

Morale is great. Staff are doing great. We are half way to matching the longest Chicago teacher strike. Solidarity to Chicago but in the spirit of friendly competition we just might out strike you.

It has been a wild ride. A school board members has already resigned. The next day the head of HR accept a new job. Pandemonium is a good description.

If we can do it, all of you can do it. Stay strong.

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